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Kjerstin and Dad's camping/crabbing trip to Camano Island.
Crab pots packed and ready to go.
Swimming in the ocean, "helping" Tim get the boat to shore..
Melissa and Kjerstin (Melissa is Tim's daughter)
How far out are you going to swim?
Molly and Kjerstin playing fetch.
Our camp site on Camano island, on Joe's property. What a wonderful place.
Our stash of illegal fireworks, procured at the indian reservation.
Molly guarding the back of the truck.
My two favorite girls in the whole world.
This is just one of several batches of crab Kjerstin and I caught.
I ain't scared of no crabs......
You guys are going to be tasty.
Look at the size of these bad boys.
Kjerstin did find this little critter.
And yet more crab. Are we getting crabby yet?
Kjerstin pulling up a crab pot.
Any time now Dad, princess is ready.
Heading out to sea, just like the show "deadliest catch" but without the danger and 85 degree weather.